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My Sessions from SPC and SPTechCon

SharePoint Conference (SPC) was in Las Vegas in March.  Here is the recording of the session that Jennifer Mason and I did, called

Tips & Tricks to make the most out of your SharePoint site and maximize adoption

This is a very basic session, geared towards power users and site managers.  A lot of the tips we mention have been around for a few years, and some of them are brand new.  With each tip we cover, we give you some resource links that will help you go further with that solution.  Here is our spreadsheet of links.


Also, while at SPC, Karuana Gatimu interviewed me for SPCtv.  We talked about requirements gathering for automating business processes in SharePoint.

SPCtv Laura Rogers Talks About No Code Solutions

Last week was SPTechCon in San Francisco.  I taught 4 sessions.

The one called “Creating an Approval Workflow” was a fun new one.  I went over the easy, out of box ways of doing approvals in SharePoint, then went into a more real-world scenario with a more complex workflow.  There is also a zip file in there associated with this presentation, which has the actual workflow diagrams I exported from SPD.  Here are the files:

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