• Thanks for the great post!

  • I’ve actually been working on something very similar. I didn’t realize you could bring them back in though, that’s very cool. What if the document has “repeating” data, is it possible to pull that in as well? In my case, the teacher fills out the Word doc with information about multiple students. That is, There could be information for 5 students on one Word document. Is it possible to pull all of that in?

    • Shawn, unfortunately those would all have to be separate fields. So, if the table had 3 columns and 3 rows, it would be 9 different columns in SharePoint.

  • Clear and perfect approach to connect with External users to SharePoint. Thanks Laura…..

  • Is there a way to have a html form send to a SP list? I know that you can send an email to a list but wasnt sure how you would configure a basic html form to have the correct parameters for SP to know where to put everything.

    • Hi Marie, I’m sure there’s a way, it would just be unrelated to this method, and not out-of-box if the people filling it out have no access to SharePoint (as in this example).

  • Hello! I have a list in SharePoint 2010, I wanted to create a new InfoPath form that pulls all of the information from a row of the this list. I have linked to this list as the data source and I was able to use lookup to pull a listing of the site names (which is one of the data points in the list) that show as a drop down in the form. I wanted to user to be able to select from this drop (created by the lookup) and then once they have selected one it auto populates the rest of the information in the row from main data connection. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Mike V. 🙂

    • Here is a way: https://support.office.com/en-ie/article/Using-lookups-to-populate-field-values-in-a-Lists-tool-ce45edeb-6aa4-4850-bccf-29ac43dcde45 . I pull from lists in multiple places on my infopath forms and it is something hard to just add in the comments. It is basically just using Rules on the drop down list to populate those fields. It will be a lot of rules since you have to set up a rule for each field.

    • Thanks for the information, would it be possible to see what rules would be used and how they are setup? I have tried several different ways and don’t seem to get it right – Thanks again!!!!

    • What rules? This solution didn’t really entail any rules. Are you referring to some other workflow that you may want to happen later, like the hypothetical one I mention at the end?

    • Hi Mike,
      You’ll need to use the “set field value” action in a rule on the drop-down box. For each of the fields you want to populate, from each individual field in that data source. So your rule will be a list of set field value actions, for each field.

  • Hello Laura. Is there a similar approach with Excel files or this is working with Word only?

    • Hi Juraj,
      No, Excel doesn’t have Quick Parts like Word does.

    • If you’re comfortable with VBA, you can use the ContentTypeProperties method within an Excel macro to set metadata in SharePoint.

      ‘# Save it to the library, which will assign the properties
      ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=”https://[yourlibraryURL]” & ThisFile & “.xlsm”
      ‘# Set the properties
      ActiveWorkbook.ContentTypeProperties(“SCM Approved On”).Value = Now()
      ActiveWorkbook.ContentTypeProperties(“Approval Status”).Value = Sheets(“Sheet5”).Range(“I5”).Value
      ‘# Check in, which will also close the Excel window

    • No, Excel doesn’t have quick parts and doesn’t have a similar capability.

  • Thanks for the help, finally got it figured out! Much appreciated – Mike 🙂

  • Hi Laura,

    I’m using quick parts in a document all of them are working fine except the following 2 exceptions:

    1- The content of multiple line columns (with bold, underlined text) also show the HTML code instead of just the text. I can’t find a way to prevent this.
    2- the format of currency columns are not kept in the word documents. I think Word overrides this with the current system settings (language and region)

    I don’t know if you can help but any advise is more than welcome,



    • Hi Jimmy, for the multi-line text field, the only advice I have, is to make it a plain text field instead of rich text. For currency, I came across that same thing the other day, and never did figure out a way around it.

    • First problem solved. I can’t make the list column just plain text as we need to go beyond the 255 characters so I created a workflow variable and stored the content of the multi-line column as plain text on it. The workflow then updates the document column in a library without any HTML code.

      Second problem is difficult to solve as some users will have different language/region system settings. So we leave this as is.

      Thank you for you quick response!

  • Thank you Laura for sharing this. Find this very helpful.

  • Awesome tip. I’ve been doing the same thing backward for a long time. Never thought to use it for people to fill in the forms and send back. Great stuff.

  • Love this post, I am working on a Word form and for some reason not having a lot of luck with the Person or Group field on the form. I can fill it out in the server properties though? Any insight appreciated.

    • Hi Maree, People fields aren’t going to work well with those. I’d try and avoid using a Word form, and try and make it a SP list instead.

  • Thank you Laura – I thought I was doing something crazy wrong.

  • Laura, would doing this with Excel take a similar approach (I am thinking of something like a time sheet formatted in Excel) or would you suggest sticking to Word?

  • Hi Laura!
    This works like a charm!
    Can you tell me how to use a choice column (dropdown) as a quick part that works on the Word Document outside of the SharePoint Intranet?

    Thank you, Christine

    • Hi Christine, I’ve never tried that. I can imagine that maybe a choice field would work okay, but most likely not a lookup.

  • Hi, this has worked like a charm for us! We have migrated our SharePoint 2013 site to SharePoint Online and Word 2016. The original document was created in 2010.
    When I made a change to the document in Word 2016 and uploading it to SharePoint Online, I get an error – Sorry, we couldn’t find your file. Was it moved, renamed or deleted? There is an OK button and it opens a blank document. Have you seen this behavior using SharePoint Online/Word 2016?

    • The other issue I have now is when I make a change to template and replace it, the drop down fields in the document lose all the values. Is there a step I am missing to reconnect the template to SharePoint?

  • So what would you suggest to represent “Choice” Content Types in the Word template? Are there any rules to also follow? I was thinking about having a multi-selection (checkboxes) as a “Choice” – what would you suggest?

  • Pingback: Microsoft Flow & Quick Parts | @WonderLaura

  • I have created a form and it usually uploads correctly. But occasionally we will drag the form into the library and none of the fields load into the library – in fact, those fields are blanked out in the form. Any ideas why this happens?

    • That’s frustrating, I’ve seen it happen, but I think it’s buggy, so the best way to go is to upload and not do that, especially with SharePoint on-premises.

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