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Easy Reporting off of SharePoint Data

Yes, it’s sometimes tedious installing and setting up SQL Server Reporting Services on your SharePoint server… but that’s not what this presentation is about.  In this presentation at the Birmingham SharePoint user group meeting, I showed that once SSRS is in place, it is easy to create reports based off of SharePoint list data.  Here is the list of demos that I do, with all the reports being based off of a SharePoint task list:

  • Create a simple table-style report
  • Create a pie chart report
  • Create a pie chart called “Mine by Priority”, which shows the logged in user a chart of only tasks that are assigned to them
  • Create a drill-down pie chart report.  This means that you can click on any piece of the pie to get more details about that part.  It’s a pie chart by priority, but when you click on a specific priority, you get another pie chart that’s showing all of the “Assigned To” people for that priority.  Then you can drill down into any one of those people and see a pie of theirs by status.
  • Create an email subscription to a report.

This is a presentation that I did (on 1/10/2012). It’s an hour and 20 minutes.

YouTube Poster

The PowerPoint presentation is here: Using Report Builder for List Views and Charting


Technorati Tags: SQL Server Reporting Services,SQL,SSRS,SharePoint,Report Builder,Current User Filter,Report Viewer Web Part

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