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FREE Training in February

For the rest of this month, my SharePoint (Power User) Managing Lists and Libraries self-paced course is FREE.  This class is usually sold as part of our training plans, but for now anyone can take it for free.  Here’s what this course includes:

This modern and up-to-date course will cover planning and creating document libraries and Microsoft Lists, two of the most important components of a SharePoint site. The module will start with the basics of planning and choosing the right template for a list or library.  Learn about using metadata to improve modern list & library navigation. Go through the steps of creating and utilizing different types of columns, view configuration, and Managed Metadata.  Column and view formatting is covered as well, plus demonstrations of how to use conditional formatting.  This course also dives into all of the settings that can be configured for SharePoint lists and libraries.  Having an understanding of each of these settings is important in the management of sites and their lists and libraries.  This includes Content Approval, Validation, Versioning and much more, as well as examples of each.

The pre-requisite to this course, is my SharePoint beginner training.

This self-paced course is a part of a whole set of online courses that I’ve created for SharePoint Power Users.   When you are an enrolled student on our site, you can earn “coins” in our point system, so that you can earn items in our point store.  One of the ways to earn points, is to refer this course to other people.  Once you create your own free student account, you’ll see the button to Refer this course and earn coins! The welcome email upon enrollment will provide more details.

Here’s the current course curriculum:

Anyone can enroll in this course for free for the month of February, 2021, and this special lasts through the end of the month, 2/28/2021.

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