Remove Delete button from Lists & Libraries

In SharePoint Online and Microsoft Lists, by default all users can delete any piece of content in a list or library. Would you like to take away users ability to delete? In this post, you will learn how to remove this delete button on any list or library. This can even be done and applied to just a certain group of people as well.

This functionality is going to entail modifying permissions on the list or library, to basically take away the users’ permission to delete, and you’ll need to be at least a site owner in order to set this up, because it involves site level permission levels. Here are the steps to take:

1. Go to the list or library where you would like to remove the delete button. Mine is an issue tracker.

issue tracker list in SharePoint

2. Click the settings gear at the top right, and choose List Settings.

3. On the Settings page, click Permissions for this list.

4. At the top left, click Manage parent.

5. In the toolbar at the top, click Permission Levels.
(note that if you are still using SharePoint subsites, this part needs to be done at the top level of the site collection)

Default permission levels in SharePoint.

6. Click the Contribute level.

7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click the button Copy Permission Level.

8. Give your new permission level a name such as Contribute not delete, in the Name box.

9. Uncheck the boxes Delete items and Delete versions

Create a permission level to hide the delete button by removing delete items permission.

10. Click the Create button at the bottom.

11. Follow steps 1 through 3 again, so that you are back on the list’s permissions page. In the toolbar at the top, click the button Stop Inheriting Permissions. Click OK.

12. Check the box next to the name of the group you’d like to restrict the export button from. Usually it’s your site’s members group. The name of my site is Welcome to Contoso Benefits, so the group is called Welcome to Contoso Benefits Members. Put a check box next to the group, and click the button at the top Edit User Permissions.

Decide which group of users shouldn't be able to use a delete button.

13. Uncheck the box for the Edit permission level, and instead check the box for the new Contribute not delete. Click OK.


Now, when users in that group go to this issue tracker list, they won’t be able to delete any items or any versions.
Notice the lack of a delete button. The delete key on the keyboard is also ineffective.

See that there is no delete button

Learn more about SharePoint permissions in my online course called Site Management. My training company is called IW Mentor, and I have recorded over 35 hours of training in self-paced courses.

Update 3/5 thanks to Jos in the comments. Note that when this permission level is in place, those users won’t be able to rename files in libraries, it will tell them access denied. This is a bug.


  • What about when editing a document. I thought you needed the delete files feature turned on?

    • It will let you edit the contents of the file and the metadata, I just tested it. Those users just won’t be able to rename the files, which is a weird bug.

  • Hi Laura, did you know that when you add this Contribute without permission level that users are no longer able to rename files in the doclibs and lists where this permlevel is active for them?

    • Thanks Jos, this doesn’t apply to lists, but yes you’re right about renaming files in libraries, I’ll add that correction.

  • I agree it’s a weird bug, I assumed it worked the same way in lists. Nice that they don’t have that issue.

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