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Travel Request Workflow in SharePoint Designer

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of speaking at SharePoint Saturday in New Orleans, my home town.  Good times were had by all!  One of the presentations that I did is called “SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow: A Case Study”.  In this session, I referred to a workflow that I had created back in the old days of SharePoint Designer 2007.  I compared the old workflow interface to the new one in SharePoint Designer 2010, and talked about how the same workflow would be accomplished differently in the new version.

Back in June of 2009, I put together this “Travel Request” workflow, and did a half hour recording of the process of creating it.  The idea behind this recording was to compare a SharePoint Designer workflow to other 3rd party SharePoint workflow products.  I created the workflow in SPD, and then Chris Geier of K2 created the same workflow using a K2 workflow product.  We invited other vendors to weigh in, but they did not.

Here is the link to the 30 minute video of my travel request workflow. (SPD 2007)



Here is the link to the PDF of full documentation screenshots of my workflow:

Laura Rogers_TravelRequestWorkflow

Here is the PDF of the presentation I did in New Orleans. (SPD 2010)

SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow Case Study_Laura Rogers_spsnola

Note that the 2010 presentation itself was mostly a demonstration, so the slides by themselves are probably not very useful.

10/18/2011 Update: Due to popular demand, here are a couple of screenshots that show the columns to be created.  Keep in mind that this is very simple and minimal, and you are free to add any more columns that you’d like for your own travel system.

“Travel Requests” List: (I renamed the Created By field to “Requestor”)

“Travelers” List:

The Task list is just using the out of box Task list template, and the Approvers list is detailed in the referenced PDF of the presentation.

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