Category Archives: Views

Filter a View by “Me” Without a People Column

This applies to the Enterprise version only, for SharePoint 2007 or 2010. A lot of times, especially with InfoPath fields, you end up with a text field with a user’s name in it, instead of an actual people picker field.  The syntax may be something like DOMAINusername.  In this post, I’ll use the example of “Current Approver”. This text field

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Filter a List based on Current Site’s URL

There have been a few situations where I’ve needed to be able to filter a web part to show data relevant to the name of the current site.    Most cases have been project sites.  Here’s an example: (This post is relevant to SharePoint 2007 or 2010) All of a company’s projects not only have a project detail record which contains

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The Text Filter Web Part – Without Having To Filter Exact Text

This applies to both SharePoint 2007 and 2010.  In MOSS Enterprise, and the 2010 version of Enterprise. UPDATE (3/14/16): If you are using SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint Online with Office 365, enterprise, you don’t need this solution.  This functionality is now built into every single list and library, with a cute little “Find” box at the top. There is an

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SharePoint Related Lists (Part 4 of 4)

Yes, the title of this post is a little confusing, especially if you read the other 3 parts, but let me explain.  The first three parts of this series were all about the Query String URL Filter, and how to create mashups that display multiple related lists on one page.  Lists have a lot more relational capabilities now, which is

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SharePoint URL Basics

In SharePoint, it often helps to know the basics of how things are structured, and what the standard syntax of URLs is.  When explaining concepts to newcomers, I often take for granted that URLs are obvious, but they’re not if you’re not used to paying attention to them.  In this post, I’ll quickly go over some basics of a SharePoint

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Asynchronous Update – Web Part Setting

In SharePoint 2010, we can now set up asynchronous updates on lists, libraries and other data views.  Basically, this means that instead of users having to refresh the browser to see any changes to data on the screen, asynchronous updates can be used to either display a refresh button right on the list, or set it up to refresh automatically

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